Product • Strategy • User Experience
UXA - Synthetic Intimacy_social.001.jpeg

UX Australia 2019

Amazon's Alexa is popular... very popular. In fact, in 2017 Alexa rejected more than 1 million marriage proposals, a 400% increase over the prior year. From Pygmalion to Pinocchio we humans are wired to convert things into people. Let's step back from the AI hype, lay down on the couch, and ask some tough questions... "tell me about your smart speaker...”.

Synthetic Intimacy - Why our brains create friends that don’t love us back

Amazon's Alexa is popular... very popular. In fact, in 2017 Alexa rejected more than 1 million marriage proposals, a 400% increase over the prior year. From Pygmalion to Pinocchio we humans are wired to convert things into people. Let's step back from the AI hype, lay down on the couch, and ask some tough questions... "tell me about your smart speaker...”.