Product • Strategy • User Experience

Scattered Thinking

Trip O'Dell's personal blog. My views and opinions are my own. I talk about UX, strategy, technology, inclusive design, disability and accessibility, trends and other silly things intent on changing the world. 

I lead world-class, multidisciplinary product design teams obsessed with solving hard human problems. I am an optimist who uses technology and innovation as a lens to identify disruptive opportunities, improve people’s lives, and drive business results.

I build teams, guide strategy, envision possibilities, drive innovation, and partner with business and engineering leaders to craft and launch breakthrough services and products that make customers feel powerful and smart.

I am fascinated by the weird and wonderful ways people learn, interact with, and use technology to adapt to the world around them. As a former teacher and coach, I am motivated by a desire to help people learn and grow. As a dyslexic, I see technology as a powerful tool that removes impediments to a diversity of problems, freeing people to thrive and achieve on their own merits.

My experience includes:
• K-12 products for children and education
• Adaptive games and interactive learning environments for museums and public spaces
• Public health initiatives to improve the lives of children
• Voice-based interfaces, including shopping, communications, home automation, accessibility, and more for Amazon Alexa
• In-vehicle navigation and listening experiences


Let's give this a shot.

So, I'm horrible at Twitter, I mean, REALLY bad.

I like to use big words and often struggle to boil my thinking down to 140 characters,  especially when I'm talking about design.  (Although let's be honest - Twitter shouldn't count the characters in URLs, that just seems cheap. Come on Twitter, now that you've IPO'd, you can afford a few extra characters!)

Anyway, I like to gab, and I'm frequently delusional enough to believe that other people might be interested in what I'm thinking about - especially as it pertains to user experience.

Fair warning to readers: you may find a great deal of "innovation" in my use of capitalization, spelling and grammar. Just consider it part of my charm.

I'm a proud dyslexic, and tend to follow my own rules where those matters are concerned. I'll try and behave myself, but you English majors should check your red pencils at the door.  You've been warned.

Anyway, thanks for visiting and checking out the portfolio. It sort of goes without saying that this is always going to be a work in progress, but thanks for dropping by and hanging out. Enjoy the ride.

introductionsTrip ODell